? unsorted !

Multiple Gmail accounts (for Mac) - wisestamp.com/blog/best-gmail-apps-for-mac
Best mind-map app (for Mac) - mindnode.com
WavBox Pro discount: NEW_NOV10
expa.com/studio - a few interesting startups / web tools from this startup incubator
publer.io - automate and schedule social media posting
Earth Porn - Google Maps custom map - amazing places
reactnative.directory - React Native development - great libraries and npm modules
Funny sites! Need to make category!
What is the title of this wikiHow article? https://damn.dog/#42
Multiplayer games of needless suffering: https://kinda.fun/
See other fun sites by the same developer: https://ahoylemon.xyz/
Tools for Windows
Iris - blue light filter, adjusts brightness for white/black background apps, helps with color blindness
  • User feedback: Delighted
  • User onboarding: Appcues
  • Product tracking: Mixpanel
  • In-app surveys: Hotjar
  • Email campaign: Drip
FreeConvert.com - Easily convert .ico .png .pdf .docx .html and many many other files
Divvy - generate one time credit card numbers
ZoomInfo - get contact info of decision makers at companies
Candor.co - wealth training for tech employees
SaasBase.dev - authentication and payments tutorials
Blog.CrewCharge.com - user tracking
Product UX testing - https://blog.crewcharge.com/the-steve-jobs-bias-thats-killing-saas-startups
Popular website (mostly news) updates: upstract.com
Force open web link in same tab Chrome Extension.
tech-blogs.dev - tech blogs Seems well made, great. But why don’t I want to click on it? Needs photos? Search by keyword Techy.tools must have a great search. To do that, it must have great content! When adding a link, it should fetch content from the url, and add that to the content entry, in addition to whatever I type. If it’s part of a group, then editor should be able to enter shared tags, keywords, description to apply to all items in the group.
best spellcheck - Microsoft Azure cognitive sevices spellcheck
automations for software/communications - zapier.com, automate.io
automations for smart home / ai assistants - ifttt.com
programmable email - for programmers. Handle incoming emails in any programming language. Also supports sending /outbound via API
network diagram - Gliffy (plugin for Atlassian Jira and Confluence)
TrendsMap.com - explore trending Twitter keywords, tags, people, conversations in the world
Google Keyword Planner - find search volume for any keyword or phrase, brainstorm new ones
npm login-with-twitter - program your site to let users login with their Twitter account
upload.io/upload-js - easily add file uploading to your site! Plus URL image-resizing and CDN.
userbase.com - add user authentication and payment to your JavaScript site. Created by this guy who did this with his life. See his profits and losses.
ecpodcast.io - The Entrepreneurial Coder podcast - inspiring nerds!
mixergy.com/interviews - Mixergy - entrepreneurship podcast - very interesting stuff!
artlist.io - affordable and unlimited audio tracks for your Youtube, TikTok, or any social media
riverside.fm - recording tool for podcast creators (also a name generator)
memberstack.com (and memberrow.com) - add login to your website
Aviary for Twitter - Mac app to view or search many Twitter feeds at once!
domain disputes - search UDPR cases
Podcast / video creatorsWeb 123🗺️Sites