
See also: mind maps and organization for writers:
2nd Brain
airtable.com/universe - databases of content and ideas
raindrop.io - great place to keep snippets
notion.so - best app for writing and note taking
airtable.com - visual database
gitbook.com - great app to write notes, especially technical documentation - because it can save all content to your Github repository, so you can access your content from anywhere!
diffdiff.net - edit your article, and see changes in real time. Useful when you are not sure if your edited version is 100% better than the original version. This lets you be confident about a revised article, that you did not leave anything out or made any changes that are worse than before.
https://grover.allenai.org/ - AI writer, which attempts to detect articles written by bots, in an attempt to fight the future problem of fake news articles written by AI.
https://beta.openai.com/ - API access, to generate fake content. Does not mention ability to detect bots though.
Roam app for taking notes
emojipedia.org - powerful emoji semantic search. πŸ”Ž Add emojis to your everyday communications. This will help you find the emoji for any thought.πŸ’‘
EmojiMind mapstips and tricks