software engineering

Revolutionary new front-end tech stack

Qwik - Similar to React but much faster and more performant (does not send any unnecessary JavaScript to the client). Great for SEO and page load (better user experience). Also better developer experience because it automates a lot of the tedious repetitive front-end work.
Mitosis - Write a front-end app component once. Convert to any framework: React, Angular, Vue, etc. - Promising website builder (looks like it can grow into a software/app builder too). Use custom components that you code. That is very powerful.

Finally! A CLI terminal that lets you move the cursor with your mouse.

Software engineering career job titles / levels explained:

Good idea!… if people gave it stars on Github, it must be liked by developers!

Get all projects on GitHub that have many stars! Here are repos that use Turborepo with > 100⭐️

Technology Radar

Amazing resource for all the trending tools and techniques you need. - some very good tips!
“Headless” CMSno-code / low-code
SearchReadiconsWeb ScrapingWordpressHosting for appsWidgetsLearnFront-endStreaming data (WebSockets)DatabaseTestingLinguistics / NLP
Server Side RenderingPHP: Back to the future
Others' StacksLoad Balancer w DomainOceanEtccode sandbox
Also good notes/tutorials: - few, but some unique and interesting - great beginner to advanced guides! - lots of great stuff, especially ES.Next IDEA: after compiling a definitive list of great programming resource sites, make a Google search URL, to search all those sites on one page! - Tips from Google on making a great site - JavaScript and web dev notes by yours truly
Social MediaSearch APIs/servicesSEOPayment processingData / APIs / MicroservicesAuthentication (login/signup)Web developmentVisual testing toolConfigure a new VPSUI Libraries