
Tools, Tips, and Tricks

Browse the pages and categories. Each is filled with useful notes. You may discover something new! Last updated on April 2023.
The goal of this site is to make a technical documentation to help people thrive in our brave new digital-first world. - great icon library (has a version for each JS framework)

Other sites like this:

SuperTools . TheRundown .ai - Many good sites out there about AI tools. This is one of the best!
Future Tools .io - Extensive directory of (mostly AI) tools. Browse by category. So many tools!
AI tools for humans - Curated directory, worth a look. Good quality, but not enough quantity.
TheresAnAIForThat - Largest directory of AI powered apps! Too bad the text is difficult to read.
The Fullstack Network - New cool site features web app developers’ side projects.
Make Use Of - Very good articles. It’s a big blog site. But there’s enough content here to call it a directory of resources. However, it’s still organized like a big blog and focuses mostly on gadgets.
Product Hunt - Discover innovative new software, tools, and digital products.
Indie Hackers - Browse through their amazing community discussions! Share! Discover! Get inspired! Enjoy building! If you just want to discover a new product, go to ProductHunt. If you want to talk about it, especially in the idea/development/POC stage, Indie Hackers is a really great community to chat with.
Startups FYI - A simple list of interesting new products, tools and web apps.
Free Stuff .dev - For developers - a good list!
2FA .directory - For nerds and programmers. A useful directory organized neatly into categories.
SAAS Hub - Great UI. Easy to browse. Very many apps. Sorted by users. Sadly, many of the new innovative but not yet popular services are ranked at the bottom of the list, among the inferior apps, and many of the very new ones haven’t even been added yet. And, this doesn’t have free or DIY tools.
G2 - Real reviews and good ranking. Categories and suggested alternatives are not relevant though.
Alternative To - Like g2, but with more info about each site, and screenshots. Good alternatives.
Get App /browse - Great real user reviews about all the different software tools.
Gartner - They create β€œmagic quadrants” categorizing large companies into β€œleaders”, β€œvisionaries”, ”challengers”, β€œniche players”. Those charts (and their entire website) however are just advertisements for their consulting business. You’ll can β€œbecome a client” for them to show the reasoning behind those charts to you. :) It’s inspiring how such a simple consulting strategy has reached such success.
Martech Base /marketing-technology-companies - Lists of 7000 tools by marketing category. There are too many, no descriptions, and not sorted by relevance. But an impressively extensive collection.
Free For .dev - Good lists of resources, organized by category. All free!
Choose Stack /blog - Not many resources, but good blog articles. Worth joining their newsletter.
App Magic .rocks /top-charts/apps - iOS/Android apps leaderboard - by most popular, most revenue, etc.
Failory - their β€œtools” are not very useful yet, but checkout the β€œgraveyard” and podcasts. It’s a fun and informative resource to go back in time, with hindsight wisdom, to see products from the recent past.
Awesome Repos .io - curated lists of github repos sorted by popularity (not updated in years)
Data Viz .cafe - Great layout. Data visualization tools.
About .start .me - homepage dashboard - β€œturn your start page into a productivity hub”
Fresh Books /hub - financial resources for small businesses
Zenn .dev - great tools for programmers. Too bad it’s all in Chinese (try using Google Translate)
Remote .tools - Used to be pretty good, but they’ve redesigned and now the UI/UX is terrible! If you scroll all the way down (on the homepage and also on each category page), you can still get the content.
App Sumo - A Groupon for software? A new app directory? Growing in popularity!
Bankrate - a collection of knowledge and product comparisons about finances, monetized by affiliate links (also nerdwallet and other blogs are doing similar things, but bankrate homepage is very good!)
100 .exposed - Similar to this site. Very few pages, incomplete, but the ones available are good quality! Best one is tools for Notion
Alexglv /notion-tools - Only for Notion, but great interface! See this guy on Twitter/Youtube. I think he's going to expand into other online startup resources soon.
Startup Stash - This used to be very popular. Sold to a big company. Now it's like any other directory, selling out top spots to the highest bidder. A lot of irrelevant and outdated content. Awkwardly designed and organized. Often broken. Might still be worth checking out though, for the long lists of tools. Just keep in mind that it might be missing some newest tools, and the tools at the top of their lists are not necessarily the best.
YouTube videos featuring a few dozen interesting and useful websites:

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New AI apps are great, but they’re not the only requirements to thrive in our strange new β€œmetaverse”. You’re probably browsing the web wrong, not utilizing your favorite apps to their fullest. Not aware of some useful habits, shortcuts, or productivity hacks.
This site is a cheatsheet for power users - for a better life in the digital world.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Artificial Intelligence (AI)Better search resultsBetter search resultsBetter web browsingBetter web browsingTechnical documentationTechnical documentationBlogsBlogsGood Design (UI/UX)Good Design (UI/UX)UXUXStartups / EntrepreneurshipStartups / EntrepreneurshipMarketing / User acquisitionMarketing / User acquisitionSoftware developmentSoftware developmentWriteWriteTech newsJavaScriptsoftware engineeringwebsite developmentdataUX / productcrypto / blockchaininsights / trendsnews / politics? unsorted !communitiesdev opswatch / read / listenautomationnewslettersartshortcutsteamslaweventseconomy / politics / newssalesfile storage / sharing / backup / media libraryindie economyteachfreelanceTasks / Gig economyanimationdrop shippingliving / real-estatemedicaliOS / iPhonefoodmovies / filmsetcAndroid phoneproduct managementvacationsbusiness insights3D printing / Product engineeringDomainsPrintsSocialπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Help humanitarian causesInternet GraveyardMathVideoAbout this siteBusiness modelsfinance / investingAPIs