interaction design

Figma/Sketch are amazing for UI design, but some tools are better for interaction design - designing how each screen or button changes the scene. Also, you'll need to present your design to a client or team, so it should have ways to do that. - not the best to fine tune a design, but could be the best tool to mock and pseudo-program user interactions through various buttons and screens - either for a guided walkthrough or even an interactive demo! Yes, all the other tools do this, but this one has more options, like real programming, but without writing any code. - seems to be like Figma/Zeplin, but better for interaction design! Great features for collaboration. Even includes ability to do user testing. It's probably not 100% as good as Figma/Sketch, but could be worth switching to for the extra features! - powerful realistic interactive walkthroughs, but needs to be programmed a bit. Has plugins for Sketch and Figma - design wireframes, then prototype interactions and build interactive walkthroughs - create very polished looking interaction mockups - prototype and wireframe animations (and basic interactions) - doesn't seem the best tool for designing, though it can do everything. It does seem awesome if you already know how an app should look, for making sleek animated video presentations of an interactive design to send to a client. - not sure how this compares. Please try it and leave a comment!