Cheapest hosting is at - $1.39/mo will get you 1 website (Wordpress or similar), with free SSL, FTP, plenty of space and bandwidth, and even GIT version control! Hosting is cheap these days. Most of the hosting resources now are used for software. No need to pay $20/mo for some fancy professional hosting at AWS or similar if you're just hosting a simple website. It will work fine! For $3.99/mo, you get a bunch of great professional extras like CDN.
Other cheap hosting providers for non-programmers and/or PHP websites like Wordpress: (has been around for a long time, still providing cheap easy to start hosting) (not recommended because their site is slow and annoying to use, but their price is good, and if you're already managing domains with them, might as well do hosting too) (for $4.99/mo, it includes some more advanced features like root-access that will be needed for programmers and advanced users)